• Good afternoon,

    I got a idea for a meme I can make, it's still a bit rough in the rules though.

    Name: The Doodle Meme

    Objective 1: Having fun and showing your watcher/followers what you do at work dodleing or on some trip or when plan bored
    Objective 2 (Optional): Survive long enough to get on the top ten memes on the internet of all time.

    What to do:

    1. You take a normal piece of printer paper you might get from work or at home
    2. Each day draw (paint, trace, or whatever on, math stuff, or use it as scrap paper so you dont get marker on your desk) it.
    3. On the first week you draw (or whatever you want) 1 thing
    4. on the second week you draw 2 things, on the third 3 things and so on


    1. The min amount of the size of the drawing is .5 by .5 cm
    2. You can use what ever to doodle, pens, paint, pencil, blood, lip stick, etc. NO DISGUSTING THINGS LIKE CRAP, PISS OR STUFF LIKE THAT! I will find a way to attack you if you do that.
    3. When doodling you just can't draw a single line or a dot (or something simular) and be done, it needs to be some kind of picture (unless math or something simalar). The only time you can draw just lines or dots if it belongs in a picture, you have a good reason or meets the .5 by .5 cm rule.
    4. You CAN use both sides of the piece of paper
    5. You must upload each days work on both sides, one if you only drawed on that side.
    6. You got to tell me you your doing this meme for the high score, so I can temporarily watch you and approve each upload
    7. You can fill up as much space as you possibly can, just don't try to go over your stuff.

    To the few people who watch me, anyone who really reads all of this. Suggest this idea to other people i want their opinions.
    I am not trying to troll, truth be told I hate when people ask people who watch videos on comments they ask to visit there channel. SO what I'm asking is, can you maybe tell people about this idea and if there interested, tell them to come here? That if anyone reads these things. I do much only is title interesting.

    P.S. If you see a loop hole in my rules or see a way I can improve it tell me
    P.S.S.S. If there's already a meme like this also tell me.
