• #152
Dogs. Dogs love a good fight with a front wheel.
• #153
Pigeons not getting out of the way quick enough and either hitting me in the face or becoming an impromptu front brake.
• #154
Max Crowe.
• #155
Not really.
• #156
I'm worried about Max Crowe buying everyone a pint.
• #157
^ Too much turbo work.
I do my turbo outside, staring at a wall for the reason above. Maybe.
• #158
Not a fear, but angst when approaching a junction with a car waiting to pull and and a car waiting to turn in. I always have a horrible feeling that one, or both of them will pull out on me.
• #159
I always have a horrible feeling that one, or both of them will pull out on me.
• #161
Srsly though, I'm scared of my little brother getting into an accident because he has absolutely no road skills at all. He's ten and needs some cycle training/bikeability (as do my parents); every time I visit my parents I mention it to them, but they're apathetic and critical about everything anyway. He's incredibly headstrong, which doesn't help.
• #162
Hit and Run - the insult to injury.
• #163
Ed Milliband
• #164
Reverse Camel Toe
• #165
or a boris bike
Ken bike FFS.
Also for those with the fear of inattentive drivers, polarized glasses are amazing for cutting straight through the glare of car windows to see EXACTLY what else a driver may be up to.
• #166
Guys in skin suits with wobbly arses
Well scary
Only women should have wobbly bits -
• #167
Reverse Camel Toe
I tried to picture it in my mind, but it's like there is a part of my brain that says no, just no, this isn't permitted.
• #168
BRM doing his man hugs. Christ, the bloke is like 6' 3" so when he does it you can feel his penis in the small of your back.
• #169
Finding a post mentioning me in the "Is it time to start calling out other cyclists" thread.
• #170
Cyclists pulling dick moves.
• #171
buses and taxi ruining my speed
• #172
Killer Bees
• #175
James Martin