• #2
O civile, si ergo, fortibus es in ero. O Nobile, deus trux! Vatis enim? Causan dux.*
• #3
For what its worth, checking in the dictionary, I'm not getting the same as you on the illusio front.
• #4
I don't know any Latin, I just ad-lib!
• #5
I think you want praestigium somewhere, tempus est praestigiae?
• #6
My old man's a classicist. I've sent him a text.
• #7
I think you want praestigium somewhere, tempus est praestigiae?
tempus praestigium est?
• #8
tempus praestigium est?
Yeah something like that, unless there is a different tense for profound timeless chin rubbing.
• #9
My old man's a classicist. I've sent him a text.
predictive text's gonna freak out.
• #10
I've asked the old man (Oxford 1st, taught Classics for 20 years and used to set national Latin exam papers), and I'm assuming he knows his stuff. He reckons the best translation is "tempus imago." Take it or leave it.
• #11
Cheers guys
• #12
all the public school boys and girls come out of the wood work
• #13
Time to take some dinner monies...
• #14
all the public school boys and girls come out of the wood paneling
• #15
all the public school boys and girls come out of the wood work
Pff. Not just public schools that still teach Latin.
• #16
my school, scumbag college, didn't offer latin
it only just about offered french via mr mirfin who was rude to me during lessonsnasty man
• #17
Show us on the dolly where the nasty man was rude to you.
• #18
Time to take some dinner monies...
Dear boy, at boarding schools the meals are included in the fees. No need for "dinner" money nor lunch money for that matter.
Mind you, one always needed a few bob for the tuck shop.
• #19
Pff. Not just public schools that still teach Latin.
Apparently, some state schools no longer include Greek on the cirriculum. How on earth can we have a fair society with opportunities for all when a great part of the population has no knowledge of the language of Homer?
• #20
Dear boy, at boarding schools the meals are included in the fees. No need for "dinner" money nor lunch money for that matter.
Mind you, one always needed a few bob for the tuck shop.
we'll just take their trust funds then
POWER to the people
Can anyone help me with some latin?
I want 'Time is an Illusion' translated to Latin.
google Translate comes up with 'Tempus Est Illusio'
Is that right? Wasn't sure about the 'Est' being needed/ appropriate.
Thanks in advance.