there's a big article in wired this month or last about the hude data starage facility the yanks are building that will store most of the internet and phone data passing through all the major points in the country. It's on a scale my tiny brain can't compute. Oh, and they're also building a super computer to crack the encription algorithms. They've been storing the info for a while so when they crack it they can go back through all the stored info. (removes tin foil hat)
Worth a read, a good article on where things are headed. I'll post a link if i can find one.
there's a big article in wired this month or last about the hude data starage facility the yanks are building that will store most of the internet and phone data passing through all the major points in the country. It's on a scale my tiny brain can't compute. Oh, and they're also building a super computer to crack the encription algorithms. They've been storing the info for a while so when they crack it they can go back through all the stored info. (removes tin foil hat)
Worth a read, a good article on where things are headed. I'll post a link if i can find one.