So I've been wanting to polish some bits for a while, and I bit the bullet and bought a bench grinder with a polishing kit from these guys....
This arrived yesterday....
And this was in it...
Anyway, I had some old shitty bits knocking about in the man cave and decided to experiment......on an old beater thing I had, was a mismatched set of cranks...solida non drive side, and a stronglight on the drive side.....
After half an hour testing, this was the result....
I also did an old sr laprade seat pin, but need to use some more wet and dry on the scratching before showing it.......
So I've been wanting to polish some bits for a while, and I bit the bullet and bought a bench grinder with a polishing kit from these guys....
This arrived yesterday....
And this was in it...
Anyway, I had some old shitty bits knocking about in the man cave and decided to experiment......on an old beater thing I had, was a mismatched set of cranks...solida non drive side, and a stronglight on the drive side.....
After half an hour testing, this was the result....
I also did an old sr laprade seat pin, but need to use some more wet and dry on the scratching before showing it.......
For a first attempt, I'm happy.