Stem polished up nicely, started polishing the clb levers but they're a fairly complex casting so hand polishing isn't doing enough. Will bust out the dremel out to get into the nooks and crannies.
Few bits on their way.
Noticed something odd about the rims, they're clincher tyres/tubes but theres no 'hook' on the edge of the rim, they're still box section so def not tubs. Presumably the pressure of the tyre holds it to the rim? Felt like the edge of the tyre was almost stuck to the rim.
Anyone got any experience of wheels like this?
Stem polished up nicely, started polishing the clb levers but they're a fairly complex casting so hand polishing isn't doing enough. Will bust out the dremel out to get into the nooks and crannies.
Few bits on their way.
Noticed something odd about the rims, they're clincher tyres/tubes but theres no 'hook' on the edge of the rim, they're still box section so def not tubs. Presumably the pressure of the tyre holds it to the rim? Felt like the edge of the tyre was almost stuck to the rim.
Anyone got any experience of wheels like this?