So what's going on? You've got 3 seconds from hitting the brew switch to getting a pour, which is ok to start with but then slows right down?
Sounds right what you say, but I'd expect a longer pause before the pour emerges if the grind's too fine. If you don't solve it with more playing then have the OPV apart and check there's no muck in there, sounds like it could be bleeding the pressure off.
So what's going on? You've got 3 seconds from hitting the brew switch to getting a pour, which is ok to start with but then slows right down?
Sounds right what you say, but I'd expect a longer pause before the pour emerges if the grind's too fine. If you don't solve it with more playing then have the OPV apart and check there's no muck in there, sounds like it could be bleeding the pressure off.