If you are interested in attending can you can fill this questionnaire (in English http://questionnaires.heureux-cyclage.org/index.php?sid=38487&lang=en will allow us to have an idea about who is coming and the entertainment you propose. Otherwise, you can simply send me a private message.
We're looking forward to welcome you in Grenoble ! :)
Cyclingly yours !
At last, we can send you the poster of the Cyclocamp http://share.freecontrib.org/files/download/public/affiche-cyclocamppdf-affiche_cyclocamp_gre_2012 which will take place in Grenoble between the 13th and the 17th of June. We invite you to spread it around you, to display it in your workshop, to fix it between two spokes of your bike or the like.
If you are interested in attending can you can fill this questionnaire (in English http://questionnaires.heureux-cyclage.org/index.php?sid=38487&lang=en will allow us to have an idea about who is coming and the entertainment you propose. Otherwise, you can simply send me a private message.
We're looking forward to welcome you in Grenoble ! :)
Cyclingly yours !
Matthieu Allereau, in the name of uN p’Tit véLo dAnS La Tête http://www.ptitvelo.net/
and L'Heureux Cyclage http://www.heureux-cyclage.org/
uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête http://www.ptitvelo.net
5 rue de Londres 38000 Grenoble
04 76 21 46 01
Le Wiklou http://www.wiklou.org
le wiki des ateliers vélo
L'Heureux Cyclage http://www.heureux-cyclage.org
le réseau national des ateliers vélo participatifs et solidaires.
Le vélo, c'est bien, même pour ceux qu'en font pas !