Bought in July 2010, used a couple of times, too big for me, so having to sell to make room for more bikes :-)
Frame: Fuji Elios 2 custom butted Cro-Moly with outer butted seat tube, Double water bottle mounts. Fuji Elios 2 custom tapered Cro-Moly with track dropout, bridge drilled for rear brake
Forks: Fuji 1 1/8" custom triple butted cro-moly, crown drilled
for front brake (please note these have a slight mark at the left hand side, at the back of the fork as shown in picture)
Fuji Classic Track 2010
Bought in July 2010, used a couple of times, too big for me, so having to sell to make room for more bikes :-)
Frame: Fuji Elios 2 custom butted Cro-Moly with outer butted seat tube, Double water bottle mounts. Fuji Elios 2 custom tapered Cro-Moly with track dropout, bridge drilled for rear brake
Forks: Fuji 1 1/8" custom triple butted cro-moly, crown drilled
for front brake (please note these have a slight mark at the left hand side, at the back of the fork as shown in picture)
Bottom Bracket: sealed cartridge bearing st
Headset: ritchey lb 1 1/8" threadless
Seat binder: fuji ultralite alloy, 28.6mm seat binder
Frame size and recommended height: 58cm - 5 ft 10" - 6ft 1"
Looking for £150 or very nearest offer, would have to be collection from Nottingham or can post if needed, preference to any offers of collection