We're basically going down the same old London League argument but on a UK-wide scale (with the Champs or NS results).
My personal opinion is that a UK Champs should be organised each year (minimum of 8 weeks prior to the Euros?) which is then used to send UK teams to the Euros. Our qualification tournament has replaced the UK Champs as our Champs are stupidly late in the season.
Everything else is less ideal, but fair enough if you want to legitimize the NS standings somehow, but it doesn't really make sense to use the previous season's results to seed a current season tournament?
John: Consider the idea that all top teams change their line-ups one year... the system then falls down and sends a bunch of middle-ability (complete) teams from last season instead of the best possible UK teams (effectively putting a 1 season/year proving/qualification time period on all new UK teams)... this is a major flaw in my opinion and we should try and mirror the same-season qualification process of other countries/sports.
Again, the UKHBPA should think up the best system for this process (that will be robust in any given situation) that results in the top UK teams being sent to the Euros each year.
We're basically going down the same old London League argument but on a UK-wide scale (with the Champs or NS results).
My personal opinion is that a UK Champs should be organised each year (minimum of 8 weeks prior to the Euros?) which is then used to send UK teams to the Euros. Our qualification tournament has replaced the UK Champs as our Champs are stupidly late in the season.
Everything else is less ideal, but fair enough if you want to legitimize the NS standings somehow, but it doesn't really make sense to use the previous season's results to seed a current season tournament?
John: Consider the idea that all top teams change their line-ups one year... the system then falls down and sends a bunch of middle-ability (complete) teams from last season instead of the best possible UK teams (effectively putting a 1 season/year proving/qualification time period on all new UK teams)... this is a major flaw in my opinion and we should try and mirror the same-season qualification process of other countries/sports.
Again, the UKHBPA should think up the best system for this process (that will be robust in any given situation) that results in the top UK teams being sent to the Euros each year.