A while back I heard a rumour that these can be delimited, resulting in roughly double top speeds.
Yeah, there's a couple of tricks you can do - hold the front brake on while pressing the go button - after 10 seconds it beeps once, after around 60 seconds it beeps twice and you are now in USA mode, which takes the mph up a bit, there's also a USB port on the back of the fork blade - and there's apparently a hack doing the rounds somewhere that can take the mph up even higher.
Yeah, there's a couple of tricks you can do - hold the front brake on while pressing the go button - after 10 seconds it beeps once, after around 60 seconds it beeps twice and you are now in USA mode, which takes the mph up a bit, there's also a USB port on the back of the fork blade - and there's apparently a hack doing the rounds somewhere that can take the mph up even higher.