You must become one with the bike. If you find you cannot become one then become two and give it time. Remember your legs. Never forget your legs. Forget your hands, your arms, your heart and your soul but never forget your legs. You should have two of them. Become one with your two legs.
Let the bike ride you. Submit to the bike. Let the bike own you, posses you, control you and take you where it wants to go, even if where it wants to go is not where you want to go but somewhere else entirely, perhaps down a side street or to a West End matinee.
Remember, skid is just kid with an s in front of it. The inner child is not easy to find. The search can very easily be misunderstood and lead to arrest, trial and imprisonment. Remember, always, it is the *inner *child you are looking for. The inner (s)kid that will lead you, with the help of the bike, down the path of knowledge, around the garden centre of enlightenment and finally in to the cafe of contentment.
I hope that clears up a few things for you.
I was just marvelling that everybody was being helpful and friendly and actually giving good advice without being a bunch of cunts, then I read this.
I was just marvelling that everybody was being helpful and friendly and actually giving good advice without being a bunch of cunts, then I read this.
I wish I could rep and neg at the same time.