he doesn't agree with their stance on europe! but he was best aligned with their policies on law and order, tax, housing etc when he read all the manifetos.
What kind of fuckwit votes purely on a manifesto? Manifestos are largely for people who don't take an active interest.
The content of a manefesto is meaningless without contextualisation. People actually read them as if they are an objective document, like a menu or a contract, and then think they've done their duty reading a leaflet once every 2-4 years
What kind of fuckwit votes purely on a manifesto? Manifestos are largely for people who don't take an active interest.
The content of a manefesto is meaningless without contextualisation. People actually read them as if they are an objective document, like a menu or a contract, and then think they've done their duty reading a leaflet once every 2-4 years