• #552
I'll be in the Bic cap, say hello!
• #553
I'll do that also be going to the Calthorpe, Grays Inn Road after the ride for a drink about 9:00
• #554
Going to turn out for this one. Hopefully be a big one.
• #555
Wasn't a bad turn out today. I'm sure that there were a few forum members on the ride.
• #556
It was a good ride I enjoyed it
• #557
Posted some pictures here http://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/sets/72157629914514729/
• #558
I was out last night on my first critical mass, really enjoyed it!
• #559
I was there, looking for other forumungers, but didn't see anyone. Had to leave at Trafalgar Square. What happened after that?
• #560
no-one said hi
• #561
I was looking, didn't see you or you cap :-(
• #562
Planning to ... if I can.
Skully, you said that last month
I find getting to Critical Mass is almost impossible. I'm either with my lad if I have no work, or working, often in the sort of environment where leaving at 6 isn't really the norm. Let's just say the cookie hardly ever crumbles to allow it. :(
• #563
I was on the Zebra bike so pretty unmissable
• #564
I was on the Zebra bike so pretty unmissable
Was that you? Me and my hungarian friend said hello, (I was wearing my white peugeot cap). Then on Saturday I saw a heerd of Zebra cyclists... I was starting to think I'd had a funny turn...
• #565
I was on the Zebra bike so pretty unmissable
I'm sure I did see you. Was you wearing a black cowboy hat?
• #566
Yes Black cowboy hat I bought in Nashville when cycling in the States found out by accident that it is great in the rain.
• #567
i am new to this forum and was wondering where does CM start from? im up in derby at the moment studying and i will be back down to london very soon. i remember when i used to work in brixton london they used to have a bike ride that started from brixton on the last friday of every month, i never knew where the ride ended.
• #568
South end of Waterloo bridge, by the nationalfilm theatre. Turn up around 6:45 and you can't miss it. PS. Last Friday of the month.
• #569
Posted some pictures here http://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/sets/72157629914514729/
Cool pics. Such a mix of people/views.
Tandem is awesome.
• #570
Anyone up for an awesome Critical Mass Ride from Mexico City to San Francisco?
See my post here http://www.lfgss.com/thread85178.html -
• #571
Sounds amazing^!
Who's out tonight!? Great day for CM...
• #572
Haven't been since last year, thinking about attending
• #573
I'm hoping to catch up if the mass leaves before I get to nft. Can a kind soul pm me their fone number so I might be able to find where it's at?
• #574
• #575
I may be in too, skully think you got my mob?
Finally going to go along to this. Good weather forecast this evening.
Wasn't actually able to do this in the end due to a colleague deciding to fuck up backups at 4pm on a Friday and leave me to fix it. Joy.