'London Assembly London-wide list: Conservative Party' getting quite a few votes. Quite amusing, you do know they walked out on every (?) cycling related safety vote/chat?
thats actually 100% not true. They walked out on a (One) meeting to protest about procedure that they felt was undemocratic and unfair. Among various other issues, that meeting involved discussion about cycling lanes. They made the point very specifically that the walkout had absolutely nothing to do with the cycling issue yet it was reported as such.
thats actually 100% not true. They walked out on a (One) meeting to protest about procedure that they felt was undemocratic and unfair. Among various other issues, that meeting involved discussion about cycling lanes. They made the point very specifically that the walkout had absolutely nothing to do with the cycling issue yet it was reported as such.
Im sceptical about Paddick just as i am about most of the other candidates but this is a good article about Ken Livingstone and his 'dog whistle politics': http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/comment/comment/londoners-on-the-left-do-not-have-to-vote-for-ken-7681536.html