Without breaching anybody's confidentiality I am aware of a few cases of cyclists who have discovered lumps that have turned out to be due to saddle fit/sheer amount of time spent on a bike. These have all been benign so far and I'm not aware of anybody developing cancer as a result of riding a bike but a regular check of your nadgers could potentially prevent a rather uncomfortable/painful cycling related condition befalling you as well as helping catch other much more serious stuff early.
Without breaching anybody's confidentiality I am aware of a few cases of cyclists who have discovered lumps that have turned out to be due to saddle fit/sheer amount of time spent on a bike. These have all been benign so far and I'm not aware of anybody developing cancer as a result of riding a bike but a regular check of your nadgers could potentially prevent a rather uncomfortable/painful cycling related condition befalling you as well as helping catch other much more serious stuff early.