Paul Newsome demonstrates a high elbow catch and pull technique.
Without the use of video analysis, many swimmers are unaware of how they pull through under the water.
Typically swimmers will pull through with either a dropped elbow or with a very straight arm. Doing so loads the shoulder muscles excessively as the majority of the pull through phase is spent pushing down, rather than pressing back.
Working to develop a high elbow catch technique with enhanced swimming posture will really help you utilise the larger, more powerful muscle groups of your chest and upper back, rather than rely upon the shoulders.
Catch and Pull Through
Paul Newsome demonstrates a high elbow catch and pull technique.
Without the use of video analysis, many swimmers are unaware of how they pull through under the water.
Typically swimmers will pull through with either a dropped elbow or with a very straight arm. Doing so loads the shoulder muscles excessively as the majority of the pull through phase is spent pushing down, rather than pressing back.
Working to develop a high elbow catch technique with enhanced swimming posture will really help you utilise the larger, more powerful muscle groups of your chest and upper back, rather than rely upon the shoulders.