I've done a bit more work on the christiania so I thought I'd describe the whole build. Here's the story.
I got this christiania trailer off ebay. It was previously used by a baker who used it to pick up flour and do daily bread rounds. I pulled it back across london on a rather high geared fixed which was interesting.
So when pushing the little one around the garden I really wished it was a real christiania.
A little research showed that it as possible to get the rear frame and bolt it on to make it a full working trike. Velorution did the ordering
and all I needed to do was adapt the box. I needed to lower the wheels as the trailer has 20" wheels and it needed it 24" wheels. Instead of rebuilding the wheels, I just lowered them. Also more metal was needed to give attaching points for the rear frame and and brakes.
From this
to this
courtesy of my friendly local metal fabricators.
So now I needed a new rear wheel. I built stupid one, sturmey archer 5 speed with huge drum brake, to a 24" mega wide DH rim.
Here's the base frame all together
with front brakes
which are really big dual pivot which just get round a big apple plus mudguard.
I've done a bit more work on the christiania so I thought I'd describe the whole build. Here's the story.
I got this christiania trailer off ebay. It was previously used by a baker who used it to pick up flour and do daily bread rounds. I pulled it back across london on a rather high geared fixed which was interesting.
So when pushing the little one around the garden I really wished it was a real christiania.
A little research showed that it as possible to get the rear frame and bolt it on to make it a full working trike. Velorution did the ordering
and all I needed to do was adapt the box. I needed to lower the wheels as the trailer has 20" wheels and it needed it 24" wheels. Instead of rebuilding the wheels, I just lowered them. Also more metal was needed to give attaching points for the rear frame and and brakes.
From this
to this
courtesy of my friendly local metal fabricators.
So now I needed a new rear wheel. I built stupid one, sturmey archer 5 speed with huge drum brake, to a 24" mega wide DH rim.
Here's the base frame all together
with front brakes
which are really big dual pivot which just get round a big apple plus mudguard.