• #27
^ p.s. I'm probably living under a rock re: FRK launch. Off to check it out.
• #28
This event in May:
On behalf of Sustrans
The Rt Hon Dawn Primarolo MP
Requests the pleasure of your company at a reception to celebrate Sustrans’ Free Range Kids Campaign
Monday 14 May 2012
16:00 – 18:00
Palace of Westminster –...
• #29
Andy its because of the parlia mental reception that theyre holding on 14th may
• #30
Under a rock, see. Ta for info.
• #31
sometimes find that the way that they engage with the politicians is too treacly, I mean the way to do it in my view would be more like Paxman does, or increasingly Jon Snow and Cathy on C4 news,
they get pointed and I mean pointed questions right into the politicians faces. As so much of the funding comes from government indirectly its a problem, on the one hand theres hardcore activists who can really stick it to them, probably not directly as they dont get access, but they have nothing to lose. Sustrans cant do that, they have too much to lose. -
• #32
four years ago I did a presentation where we showed a film of my work in Q.E conference centre, it rocked if I may say so , the kids on the film were there.
The minister who had the keynote speech did his turn, didnt stay for questions, and bolted across parliament square in a chauffeur car,
I would have asked him what was wrong with his legs? -
• #33
^ should've ridden over and waited for the chauffeur car to arrive, then asked. #hindsight
• #34
couldnt, had to stand and answer questions from people
• #35
• #36
• #37
(apart from Add Lee;)^
• #38
I have received this explanation about the above from the DfT:
In his time as Road Safety minister, Mike Penning MP decided he did not want pictures of cyclists without helmets on DfT-funded websites. Therefore, when images have been reviewed or added, DfT have asked for these to be changed.
This has been the case for a while now – and I thought it was common knowledge – so apologies for any confusion.
• #39
That is not an answer
• #40
• #41
Did they explain what reasons were given?
• #42
Yes, the ex road minister's wishes.
• #43
No just the view of Mike Penning.
Since he is no longer the Transport minister and Norman Baker who rides without a helmet is in charge of cycling at the DfT we may be able to get them to revise that policy
• #44
How confident are instructor on taking student on wet ground? I ask because I tend to wear one in the wet.
• #45
Ah you just answered my next question David! Good news.
• #46
As an advocator for cycle training due to terrible, unsafe cycling witnessed by large numbers of cyclists especially some Boris bikers. Could there be potential for introducing some sort of compulsory couple slides on safe cycling when you hire a Boris bike.
Maybe once you have used your card it does it every month or set time you hire to avoid people who use it a lot wasting time. But the slides having a realistic set time on them so people cannot just click next. Like everyone does with the T&C.
Sorry to sound like a busy body and lots of people will have strong disagreeing views, but with things like the LCC's recent video, that in my view places the responsibility for safety on the motorist (or LGV driver in the video). More work needs to be done to educate cyclists, helping themselves stay out of trouble.
• #47
that in my view places the responsibility for safety on the motorist (or LGV driver in the video). More work needs to be done to educate cyclists, helping themselves stay out of trouble.
The responsibility for safe operation of a motor/HGV is with the driver. How else can it be?
As to the boris bikes... frankly there is not a problem to solve. Crash stats from Tfl reveal thart the Boris Bikes are very safe indeed. You may not like some of the things you have seen but the fact is that there are not a mass of injuries that need addressing.
• #48
But if a driver who is obeying all the laws but misses a cyclist run up the inside lost in there blind spot, is it the drivers fault? My view would be no.
Yes the number of accidents is low with Barclays bikes, but that does not mean that they cannot be improved!
• #49
Glad I read some of this thread as I got really irritated by a random member of public today whom commented to one of the kids in my group, "where's your helmet? You should always wear one"
Cheeky little man turned around and said, "I don't need one, thanks"
At which point I got involved. To cut a long story short, she felt that when riding a bike one should ALWAYS be worn to be 'safe' yet looked bemused when I asked and what would happen if she tripped over the on the pavement, fell and smashed her own skull? where was her helmet? (#notaladyboy)
She then said that she was riding to Paris and would be wearing one all the way. I asked what training she'd done to be able to ride safely on the road, to effectively communicate with other road users and to take up sensible road positions?
Her: None.....I don't know why it managed to get under my skin but it threw me off for the rest of the afternoon.
• #50
Yesterday I had a trainee making a right turn from major to minor road. He did everything correctly but I had to step into the road and shout "stop!" As a speeding motorist was about to try and overtake him. The driver did stop, child proceeded but then the driver started having a go. "He shouldn't be on the road, it's illegal. Not even wearing helmet or hi viz, that's why you lot keep being killed".
As I was in work mode I had to just shrug it off and not point out that speeding right outside a school or trying to overtake at a junction was much more likely to be the cause of someone's untimely death.
^ launch? Re-launch you mean? FRK been around a while.
Did anyone answer the question posed in JT's absence?