It's really hard to get fresh veg this time of year. Even spring greens aren't "cheap-cheap". £5 doesn't go that far.
I should have sacked off the pigs liver and fish fingers as that would be a pound. Also I've had to fork out for lard this evening, which was 49p, and will last for aaaaaaaaaaggggeeeessss.
If I was doing this over a month, there would be some gains by buying in bulk - things like salt (22p for a tinny pot as opposed to .c35p for a big bag).
But dinner was pretty tasty.
I really wish I'd gone to the Angel Sainsburys, I think at the very bottom end, it's probably cheaper than the Stanford Hill Morrisons. I've found some porridge oats for 62p... but unless I drop something I end up being 9p over. Those fucking ginger biscuits that I've ended up caining because I was so hungry this am.
Try it!
It's really hard to get fresh veg this time of year. Even spring greens aren't "cheap-cheap". £5 doesn't go that far.
I should have sacked off the pigs liver and fish fingers as that would be a pound. Also I've had to fork out for lard this evening, which was 49p, and will last for aaaaaaaaaaggggeeeessss.
If I was doing this over a month, there would be some gains by buying in bulk - things like salt (22p for a tinny pot as opposed to .c35p for a big bag).
But dinner was pretty tasty.
I really wish I'd gone to the Angel Sainsburys, I think at the very bottom end, it's probably cheaper than the Stanford Hill Morrisons. I've found some porridge oats for 62p... but unless I drop something I end up being 9p over. Those fucking ginger biscuits that I've ended up caining because I was so hungry this am.
Anyway I'll sleep on it.