Hackney Bikeworkshop plans to hold a ‘Fix a Puncture in a Minute’ contest with contestants removing a wheel from a bike removing the inner tube and repairing the puncture and putting it back in under a minute – well it is good to have something to aim for! And it will be a laugh contestants will pay £5 each and the prize will be a pair of Continental Gator Skin tyres or something similar dependant on the response from prospective contestants.
The only problem with this plan? Punctured inner tubes! We have a few but if anyone has a stash or even one or two that they cannot bear to throw away but would give to a worthy course we need them.
You can donate your inner tubes either at one of our workshops details at http://hackneybikeworkshop.com/ or by contacting us at hackneybikeworkshop(at)gmail.com
If you don’t have any punctured inner tubes but would like to be a contestant please e-mail us at the same address