My girlfirend works for UNICEF, and next week is global poverty week, so they are doing theirs a week early to give them time to blog, etc... and I guess to just assist with the overall "buzz".
You're meant to get sponsorship and raise money. I'm mainly doing it to defend my intial response of "oh, well that'll be easy"... and also in part because I think it's an interesting challenge.
I'm going to work out my average weekly food spend and donate that, rather than hit people up for money. But that said, if anyone wants to chuck a couple of quid UNICEF's way, that would be nice. And although I'm somewhat bias, after finding out more about the projects they run and how they work with countries, I think it's probably one of the better charities out there.
As for the ginger biscuits, none of the supermarkets I went to had a value range pack of oats! My plan was to have porridge....
...which highlights an element of the challenge I hadn't considered - **what if what you need and have budgeted for isn't there? **
That has been the biggest eye opener. I fully expected to be surprised at the high/low cost of certain products, but the feeling when you can't find what you want and the only other option is 30p higher completely throwing off your meal plans and fucking you budget is quite daunting.
My girlfirend works for UNICEF, and next week is global poverty week, so they are doing theirs a week early to give them time to blog, etc... and I guess to just assist with the overall "buzz".
You're meant to get sponsorship and raise money. I'm mainly doing it to defend my intial response of "oh, well that'll be easy"... and also in part because I think it's an interesting challenge.
I'm going to work out my average weekly food spend and donate that, rather than hit people up for money. But that said, if anyone wants to chuck a couple of quid UNICEF's way, that would be nice. And although I'm somewhat bias, after finding out more about the projects they run and how they work with countries, I think it's probably one of the better charities out there.
As for the ginger biscuits, none of the supermarkets I went to had a value range pack of oats! My plan was to have porridge....
...which highlights an element of the challenge I hadn't considered - **what if what you need and have budgeted for isn't there? **
That has been the biggest eye opener. I fully expected to be surprised at the high/low cost of certain products, but the feeling when you can't find what you want and the only other option is 30p higher completely throwing off your meal plans and fucking you budget is quite daunting.