An engraved aluminium plate, then routered in might be cool. epoxy under and over ?
I've been playing with some of the wood offcuts that I've got left over. I'm going to stick it on after I've finished the frame. Think it should come out quite interesting.
I was just pondering, how on earth would you lock it up ? (scratches etc.)
I've thought that too. I hate to admit it but it may be a call for a more matte finish (ArtherFrayn looks smug) as small scratches wouldnt show quite as much. The varnish is a tough polyurethane varnish but nothing like as tough as powdercoating. The beauty is that because I've made it myself any scratches will just need a wipe of varnish and a quick rub down to be back to new again.
I've been playing with some of the wood offcuts that I've got left over. I'm going to stick it on after I've finished the frame. Think it should come out quite interesting.
I've thought that too. I hate to admit it but it may be a call for a more matte finish (ArtherFrayn looks smug) as small scratches wouldnt show quite as much. The varnish is a tough polyurethane varnish but nothing like as tough as powdercoating. The beauty is that because I've made it myself any scratches will just need a wipe of varnish and a quick rub down to be back to new again.