Camber steer is something few bicycle makers give any thought to, since its effect is tiny compared with the other steering effects. For most purposes, it can be completely ignored, and often is. A normal road bike doesn't seem to have any problems with camber of up to 40°, after which grip is the problem anyway. The only reason we're discussing it at all is that you have deliberately created the first bike which suffers from camber steer in a straight line on a level surface!
Camber steer is something few bicycle makers give any thought to, since its effect is tiny compared with the other steering effects. For most purposes, it can be completely ignored, and often is. A normal road bike doesn't seem to have any problems with camber of up to 40°, after which grip is the problem anyway. The only reason we're discussing it at all is that you have deliberately created the first bike which suffers from camber steer in a straight line on a level surface!