• Griffin's views are very ordinary and are held by a large part of the population--it's a cultural issue. With people like him, you need to tackle these arguments head-on. And while he's wrong about most things (he's right that lack of skill in cyclists is not a desirable thing, for instance, but I wonder if he knows about cycle training--you'd hope that that's what he refers to), he's at least open about them and, I'd guess, probably not averse to dialogue. It's funny sometimes--you can get people with very bigoted views but actually realise that you can talk to them.

    Have you offered him cycle training yet, David? If he rides hire bikes (someone said that he had a hire bike key?), he'd have to jump at the chance of getting trained, if he hadn't already been.

    ...on the case ;)

    Hang on. You called me to task when I said my biggest perception of risk came from other cyclists. This page, the Road.CC comment section and many others on this subject are full of reasoned people saying that there are a lot of poor cyclists. Not that I'm trying to derail from the ignorance of bertie big bollocks with the long tie here but again there has to be a sense of getting our own houses in order and not allowing rabble rousers to keep beating a;ll of us with the same stick repeatedly. To sum it up:

    "The Addison Lee MD is attacking cyclists because we are allowed to use the bike lanes, and his cars aren't."

