because in the immediate term we have to choose a mayor or we are stuck with the one everyone else chooses.
Interestingly the Lib-Dems are against elected mayors - citing too much power in one persons hands. I agree, especially after I went to the Transport Hustings where I was incredibly impressed with the London assembly members who spoke on behalf of Green/Lib/Lab. I don't understand why we need a mayor when we have an assembly. The assembly is made up of different individuals and therefore it has more expertise across more areas than any one Mayor could be and most importantly it can be critical of itself.
because in the immediate term we have to choose a mayor or we are stuck with the one everyone else chooses.
Interestingly the Lib-Dems are against elected mayors - citing too much power in one persons hands. I agree, especially after I went to the Transport Hustings where I was incredibly impressed with the London assembly members who spoke on behalf of Green/Lib/Lab. I don't understand why we need a mayor when we have an assembly. The assembly is made up of different individuals and therefore it has more expertise across more areas than any one Mayor could be and most importantly it can be critical of itself.