Swerv only go up to 34s which is really silly. It is done on the basis that cyclists are thin rather than as an encouragement to fat gits like me to cycle. I will have to see if 38s are ok. Let's hope so. It would be good to have a pair of jeans that are comfortable for cycling.
DIdn't know this. Pretty poor form....but that is one of my biggest issues with fashion and 'designers', they make stuff that fits on a 30x30 mannequin instead of designing stuff to fit the average person in the street.
Well said DeadJoe. You're points are very valid and it's a surprise to see that many on here that would normally back your stance have chosen against it. But it is possible to have your strong view point and navigate through here minus your prickly way with the readers here.
DIdn't know this. Pretty poor form....but that is one of my biggest issues with fashion and 'designers', they make stuff that fits on a 30x30 mannequin instead of designing stuff to fit the average person in the street.
Well said DeadJoe. You're points are very valid and it's a surprise to see that many on here that would normally back your stance have chosen against it. But it is possible to have your strong view point and navigate through here minus your prickly way with the readers here.