Sorry just realised we're onto our second page, duh! and just read the updates. Don't think you'll need 32GB of RAM Unless you're running billions of applicaitons. I run 16GB of RAM, with CS5 (Potato Shop, Illustrator and Bridge) as well as other bits and pieces and it never goes above 11GB. That might change if I start running more than 2 screens.
Sumo: Are you still going with AMD?
Sorry just realised we're onto our second page, duh! and just read the updates. Don't think you'll need 32GB of RAM Unless you're running billions of applicaitons. I run 16GB of RAM, with CS5 (Potato Shop, Illustrator and Bridge) as well as other bits and pieces and it never goes above 11GB. That might change if I start running more than 2 screens.
Sumo: Are you still going with AMD?