• Well, I'm sure this has all been said in this thread before, but:

    (1) This thread is a combination between a rant thread and a different kind of thread, one which occasionally peeps through but would be much more useful, i.e. a good discussion of riding techniques, problem-solving, anticipating situations, etc.

    Oh ... what do you mean, 'cycle training forum'? Where's that?

    (2) Anyone can rant about other street users and sometimes of course we have to rant to let off steam, but it's not hugely constructive. Keep it positive; I know it's difficult to advise someone to take cycle training as people often get defensive, but as Tiswas just demonstrated, it's possible. As Corny often says: 'Each one, teach one.' If you're feeling ranty, why not go to the Rant thread, where people expect that? (I think I've written pretty much the same post before.)

    (3) Finally, and I say this with all the required caution, if you're going to complain about other riders, do make sure that you've got your own house in order, or veer close to hypocrisy. :) For instance, jumping red lights, considered OK by many on here, is, technically speaking, bad cycling. I know I know I know that many traffic signals are annoying (1,000 new sets of signals were created in London from about 2000 to 2008) and many are really pointless, but unfortunately they are there.

    Now, I'm no law bore (and I'm only using red-light jumping as an example where I could use several others) but what non-compliance with the Highway Code does is that it keeps cycling firmly in a bracket we don't want it in--that of a lawless and not respectable activity, carried out either by poor people because they can't afford cars, or by very selfish people who only care about their own progress (a stereotype which is becoming increasingly established). Both of these mean that cycling isn't considered 'normal', and we would rather want it to be considered normal, wouldn't we?

    Anyway, much more could be said, but I have to say I'd prefer it if this thread wasn't so ranty. We have a big skills deficit in this country, where people haven't really cycled for decades (and in London many people come from countries where cycling is just not done), and while we're busy addressing it, there's really little point in being negative about the shortfall rather than positive.

    So ... rant over. Oops ... :)


    (^ Cut and paste template to save you some typing.)
