Thinking about this a bit more I recon in the uk £5 is easily doable if you're happy to have a shit diet, and eat pretty much the same/similar stuff every day.
Plus if it's only five days, then it's not going to have any effect on your health. Although I love food, I am perfectly capable of living on the same stuff for a week.
...SO, I am going to modify the challenge for my self:
Five days, £5, with five fruit or veg a day.
I will be happy with four, and I will allow myself a very loose definition of "portion". My understanding is that you're meant to use a handful as a guide.
Secondary aims/challenge:
1/ Meat three times (at least one must be red), and
2/ Fish twice.
All this is based on my memory of the general media/governmental blurb of what you're meant to eat.
I'm going to give myself some further wiggle room by not restricting myself to fresh fruit and veg - I won't be including rice, but things like beans and lentils count. I've already pretty much written off fruit.
Also although I'd have to include things like salt and oil, if I can find someone to share the cost, that's ok. Free stuff isn't though.
I'm going to need to do a bit of a recey of the local supermarkets, but I'm thinking kidney beans, carrots, swead, tin tomatoes, as being my base. Initial thoughts on trying to achieve fish is via fish fingers (and finding someone to share the cost) or tinned sardines/similar.
Meat is easier, chicken livers, or a peice of bacon from the butchers. The hard bit is going to be red meat...
Thinking about this a bit more I recon in the uk £5 is easily doable if you're happy to have a shit diet, and eat pretty much the same/similar stuff every day.
Plus if it's only five days, then it's not going to have any effect on your health. Although I love food, I am perfectly capable of living on the same stuff for a week.
...SO, I am going to modify the challenge for my self:
Five days, £5, with five fruit or veg a day.
I will be happy with four, and I will allow myself a very loose definition of "portion". My understanding is that you're meant to use a handful as a guide.
Secondary aims/challenge:
1/ Meat three times (at least one must be red), and
2/ Fish twice.
All this is based on my memory of the general media/governmental blurb of what you're meant to eat.
I'm going to give myself some further wiggle room by not restricting myself to fresh fruit and veg - I won't be including rice, but things like beans and lentils count. I've already pretty much written off fruit.
Also although I'd have to include things like salt and oil, if I can find someone to share the cost, that's ok. Free stuff isn't though.
I'm going to need to do a bit of a recey of the local supermarkets, but I'm thinking kidney beans, carrots, swead, tin tomatoes, as being my base. Initial thoughts on trying to achieve fish is via fish fingers (and finding someone to share the cost) or tinned sardines/similar.
Meat is easier, chicken livers, or a peice of bacon from the butchers. The hard bit is going to be red meat...
...anyway those are bonus goals.
Time to get cracking on excel.