it started pulling my shoulder too much, i carry way too much shit to uni and placements (about 10 kilo's), change of clothes, shoes, food, drink etc etc. it just gets too much over a 40 mile return commute. i did try to downsize to a smaller chrome bag but it was no use and kingcutter bought that one off me.
i had to bite the bullet and put a rack and panniers on, ugly as fuck but practical for long 20 mile each way commutes.
it started pulling my shoulder too much, i carry way too much shit to uni and placements (about 10 kilo's), change of clothes, shoes, food, drink etc etc. it just gets too much over a 40 mile return commute. i did try to downsize to a smaller chrome bag but it was no use and kingcutter bought that one off me.
i had to bite the bullet and put a rack and panniers on, ugly as fuck but practical for long 20 mile each way commutes.