Furious - thanks! I was thinking about an old BMX post. they're all 22.2 (as far as i can tell). I could get my dad to machine a shim for me. so that is a last resort.
I'm going to ride up to TFG on it tomorrow to look at other bar/stem options.
Also if anyone has a lady saddle they don't want that would go further back on the rails than the one that is currently on there, let me know!
Thanks for the complements everyone.
I was toying with the idea of doing something similar with one of my old Kona's but for me. however the GT frame really lends itself to this build. plus I reserve "his and hers" stuff strictly to tracksuits.
Furious - thanks! I was thinking about an old BMX post. they're all 22.2 (as far as i can tell). I could get my dad to machine a shim for me. so that is a last resort.
I'm going to ride up to TFG on it tomorrow to look at other bar/stem options.
Also if anyone has a lady saddle they don't want that would go further back on the rails than the one that is currently on there, let me know!
Thanks for the complements everyone.
I was toying with the idea of doing something similar with one of my old Kona's but for me. however the GT frame really lends itself to this build. plus I reserve "his and hers" stuff strictly to tracksuits.