• #39427
Never seen tandem aerospoke with drag drake!
• #39428
^wtf is a drag brake?
• #39429
Slows you down on a tandem - turn it on and off when going down big hills.
• #39431
• #39432
• #39434
I reckon spotter has dibs tho ;)
I'm not putting any kind of dibs on it because that will only tempt me into buying it more, for the love of the babby jebus someone buy it
• #39435
?????? Was this not up for sale earlier in the week in York?
• #39436
Can't see^
• #39437
• #39438
• #39439
• #39440
Hmm, not sure whether I like this or think it's too expensive at £250 (you'll need to find out the frame size if you are interested)[/URL]
hopefully its just a flipped photo, otherwise i wouldnt be trusting the expertise of their ''fixed gear specialist''
sorry if i missed something.
• #39441
hopefully its just a flipped photo, otherwise i wouldnt be trusting the expertise of their ''fixed gear specialist''
sorry if i missed something.
Left hand drive is going to be big in 2012 ;)
• #39442
• #39443
#[**39732**](http://www.lfgss.com/post2816580-39732.html) [topgun23](http://www.lfgss.com/member28989.html) [![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTA3MVgxNjAw/$%28KGrHqVHJEYE92%21YmIgoBPgY1vuB,g%7E%7E60_12.JPG)](http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336527178&customid=&icep_item=130677927971&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg)![](http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=7398500)![](http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=56614)![](http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336527178&customid=&item=130677927971&mpt=9469390)
Cheap at £40
excellent 'project'
might have a crack at these
• #39444
Anyone getting on this:
• #39445
Anyone getting on this:
psssht bunch of midgets
• #39446
^ i am going to buy them all. soo cheap they are.
• #39447
Surly Steamroller complete for £484.99
I've always thought Steamrollers were a bit over priced here. But depending on components that seems like a good price for a complete bike.
• #39448
Good compared to other OTP single speed bikes. Bianch pista's are a joke these days. And even Fuji Tracks cost £450.
So the roller is very good by comparison I would still rather build one up myself though. Modern budget generic cranks really gross me out.
• #39449
• #39450
yep its a broken bit of tin fit for scrap
2 hours left no bids