Yesterday afternoon, as I was spinning down from Archway towards Upper Street on my Bicycle Tag of Bike mission, I passed this silver-haired gent who was obviously out for some serious exercise. He caught me up at the next lights and as we exchanged pleasantries about the nice weather, I realised what an odd couple we made. Him: at least 70 years old, full lycra team kit and racing helmet, on an expensive Scott crabon racing bike, strava tracker pinging away. Me: roughly half his age (for some value of "rough"), jeans, t-shirt and flat cap, on a 1970s vintage steel frame. I rode away thinking "There's some profound message there, if I could only capture it." I don't know what my senior fellow cyclist was thinking as he pedalled onward, but I suspect it was "Sodding hipster!".
Yeah, but you're still a Bruce, mate.