Let's get this straight cunt, I know Ed, and Ed knows me. He's known me for years, and we agree and disagree on many things. I view Ed as a mate/colleague, as with other longer standing forumengers on here. The prick here is you. And you are the first idiotic fool to call me little, in more than 30 years. When Ed is wrong, people say so; it doesn't stop him from giving his opinion on anything, and that is the mark of a man with confidence.
I like Ed, and have admired many things about him for years. He's a good bloke, and his heart is in the right place. Now fuck off back to your mother, before you make more of a cunt of yourself. Next time, know something, before you show that you know nothing.
My response is all the stronger because you are probably n***, hiding behind yet another alias, and I despise your little cuntish lack of any backbone.
Fuck me you are the most paranoid crazy bastard on this forum - you spout shit, as you usually do when you refuse to engage brain before keyboard - and then when people call you on it, your response is "The World is out to get you!!!!"
Nice one. Maybe, just maybe you deserve to be called out for failing to think before posting. Has that thought ever crossed your warped, self-centred mind?
But don't mind me - I'm just the forums most patient GA2G-baiting alias anyway. This cover is blown so I'm off to the other, other, other, other, other, other alias to plot more anti-GA2G posts. I'm watching you GA2G, as I am bloody sure you are aware. Better double the thickness on your tin foil hat, I am coming for you.
Fuck me you are the most paranoid crazy bastard on this forum - you spout shit, as you usually do when you refuse to engage brain before keyboard - and then when people call you on it, your response is "The World is out to get you!!!!"
Nice one. Maybe, just maybe you deserve to be called out for failing to think before posting. Has that thought ever crossed your warped, self-centred mind?
But don't mind me - I'm just the forums most patient GA2G-baiting alias anyway. This cover is blown so I'm off to the other, other, other, other, other, other alias to plot more anti-GA2G posts. I'm watching you GA2G, as I am bloody sure you are aware. Better double the thickness on your tin foil hat, I am coming for you.