you won't regret it. It is really good fun and if the basic seems like it is taking it "easy" at first the coaches will work it out so that everyone ends up in a group at the right speedn for them. Like RPM says just do what the coaches say - they really are great. The first one of the year about 75 people turned up and they could have stressed out and paniced but took it all in with good humour and managed a great session with minimal risk.
you won't regret it. It is really good fun and if the basic seems like it is taking it "easy" at first the coaches will work it out so that everyone ends up in a group at the right speedn for them. Like RPM says just do what the coaches say - they really are great. The first one of the year about 75 people turned up and they could have stressed out and paniced but took it all in with good humour and managed a great session with minimal risk.