a friend of mine is thinking of riding from London to Barcelona this year prior to Primavera. It's going to be his first long distance solo ride and I am acting as the concerned friend.
He's got a route planned out already, taken from a trip someone else did, riding from London to Portsmouth, ferry to St Malo, then south through France in to Spain and on to Barcelona.
The journey is 908 miles over 14 days.
If anyone has done this ride before, or can offer any advice/pointers on how to cope or deal on such a long ride then that'd be really useful.
a friend of mine is thinking of riding from London to Barcelona this year prior to Primavera. It's going to be his first long distance solo ride and I am acting as the concerned friend.
He's got a route planned out already, taken from a trip someone else did, riding from London to Portsmouth, ferry to St Malo, then south through France in to Spain and on to Barcelona.
The journey is 908 miles over 14 days.
If anyone has done this ride before, or can offer any advice/pointers on how to cope or deal on such a long ride then that'd be really useful.