**Meet at 1830hrs at the gate opposite York Bridge for a 1845 start.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold there'll no doubt be other wheels to follow. Stop after 8 laps.
This is on public roads so please ride accordingly.
Running reds is frowned upon.
Signal your moves and stops.
You are responsible for your own wellbeing out there.
A heads up as to who is riding fixed and who is riding geared is also helpful, but this ride welcomes both.
790 - Geared
FixedCheese (48:15)
XH - Geared & recovering from a very very very boozy late lunch/afternoon drinking session
**Wind, Rain and Pain.
**Meet at 1830hrs at the gate opposite York Bridge for a 1845 start.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold there'll no doubt be other wheels to follow. Stop after 8 laps.
This is on public roads so please ride accordingly.
Running reds is frowned upon.
Signal your moves and stops.
You are responsible for your own wellbeing out there.
A heads up as to who is riding fixed and who is riding geared is also helpful, but this ride welcomes both.
6.pt (50x16)