anything with a monthly fee would put me off immediately
i hate the feeling of not actually owning the thing i have paid out my hard cash for
the website and info look very good and the device looks great
what do you offer in the way of the tracking ? the location of the stolen bike ? a hand held beep beep machine so you can track the bike ?
would it be possible for you to show a dummy bike theft / track and reunion with owner in website form to give us an idea of how it would work in practice ?
anything with a monthly fee would put me off immediately
i hate the feeling of not actually owning the thing i have paid out my hard cash for
the website and info look very good and the device looks great
what do you offer in the way of the tracking ? the location of the stolen bike ? a hand held beep beep machine so you can track the bike ?
would it be possible for you to show a dummy bike theft / track and reunion with owner in website form to give us an idea of how it would work in practice ?