Riding to work this morning, about 40ft from a traffic island I heard a lorry coming up behind me. He got past - just - then had to swerve hard to get around the island. Not a nice experience. Then the light a few hundred feet up the road went red and I thought I'd catch up to him, and how stupid it was for him to take risks like that for no gain. But no, he went straight through it. Was one of those skip lorries.
Riding to work this morning, about 40ft from a traffic island I heard a lorry coming up behind me. He got past - just - then had to swerve hard to get around the island. Not a nice experience. Then the light a few hundred feet up the road went red and I thought I'd catch up to him, and how stupid it was for him to take risks like that for no gain. But no, he went straight through it. Was one of those skip lorries.