Looks like you've had the saddle at quite an extreme angle? The parts in those photos look pretty cheap/generic. personally I hate cheap seatposts (from MTB background), they always slip and muller themselves.
Check very carefully the grooves in the actual post part aren't too badly 'smudged' looking. If there is any damage at all get a fine edged needle file and file the grooves clean/deeper.
Replace the bolt washer and part of the clamp with the smudged grooves. You can probably get a used post/ snapped one and take the part from there.
If your really stuck, then go to town with the file on both parts.
Clamp is mullered.
Looks like you've had the saddle at quite an extreme angle? The parts in those photos look pretty cheap/generic. personally I hate cheap seatposts (from MTB background), they always slip and muller themselves.
Check very carefully the grooves in the actual post part aren't too badly 'smudged' looking. If there is any damage at all get a fine edged needle file and file the grooves clean/deeper.
Replace the bolt washer and part of the clamp with the smudged grooves. You can probably get a used post/ snapped one and take the part from there.
If your really stuck, then go to town with the file on both parts.