• #927
I'm gonna go with a smaller car, should be £30 each, does that sway you? -
• #928
maybe £33
• #929
I will have to find my bank password and do some maths then I shall see.
• #930
Also can I borrow a rack? Ideally Neil's (pretty please) although Ste's will be wonderful too.
Emyr has mine, your welcome to borrow it.
Thursday polo: 6pm
- sal
- Ste
- Schoey
- sal
• #931
charge frame http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110843808593?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_500wt_1287
Sorry to be saying this, but this worries me:
[FONT=Arial]Seat Tube Length - 590mm[/FONT]
I've got the same frame, also in medium. If you think your Revolution is to big for you then you might well find the same with this. It's effectively a 57cm c-c seat tube.
Your welcome to call in and try mine for a spin round the block to see how it fits before you go fitting bits to yours. They are a great frame but I'd have put you on a small not a medium.
• #932
anyone got an avid v brake lever? single digit 7 or above...
or any v brake lever for that matter?
• #933
Shall I bring the £30 down on Thursday for you Rob?
Thursday polo: 6pm
- sal
- Ste
- Schoey
- Will
- sal
• #934
I've got a speed dial 7 lever.
• #935
I've got a speed dial 7 lever.
boom! is it left hand side? doesn't really matter if it's not though
• #936
swap it for beers?
• #937
it's coming .. fever : (
• #938
I think they are either side. I might go cash monies, I am skint, although I'll only spend it on beer, so beer will probably do.
• #939
Let me know about Cambridge ASAP people, they wanna know.
• #940
OK, just realised Salman is polo bikeless, can we get him the loaner or suttin for the weekend?
• #941
Thursday polo: 6pm
- sal
- Ste
- Schoey
- Will
- Old Will (might be late due to the fact I am taxi service)
- sal
• #942
mi bicicleta, su bicicleta.
Although technically:
su bicicleta, su bicicleta.
You can pick up Ste's weird stretchy net or the rack too. And borrow my ratchet straps if you want to do it properly.
• #943
Straps would be nice, it was a little sketchy on the way to Newcastle, only fell off once properly though.
• #944
I heart ratchet straps. No bother - you can collect one evening and maybe drop off some flyers too pretty please?
• #945
Cool, it'd probably be friday before we leave, is that cool?
• #946
to chan and rob i have 170 pounds for my new bike polo do you think this enough?
I also have frame , crank and front wheel already crank .
cheers -
• #947
to chan and rob i have 170 pounds for my new bike polo do you think this enough?
I also have frame and front wheel already .
cheersdepends what you want doesnt it. you can buy a bike for £40 and use it for polo, or you can buy one for a grand and anywhere in between.
• #948
yeah you're right but I think about rear wheel , break saddle that I can buy 2nd hand from our polo lads here
cheers -
• #949
I'm sure we can sort shit out cheap, you can haz stem, saddle and seatpost off me for £20. £5 for pedals. Cranks and chainring (and broken bottom bracket) for £10 but a new BB will be about £25 so you might be better getting some square taper ones off someone.
• #950
ok deal with rob see you on sunday !
I may have to drop out of Cambridge I have received two bills adding up to £160 which isn't pleasant.