i used to play beginner sessions with Wicksy in Peckham...
and for what it is worth i couldn't recommend this city strongly enough - it has it all. Fine art. 3 cracking piazza's, another square which is considered Europe's biggest, it's a student town (second oldest Uni in the world) (and just about the only town in North East Italy that hasn't fallen to far right nutters). It's cheap (€4 for the best pizza you've ever had....) and beautiful....and pretty much everyone is stunningly beautiful too.
They have italy's best "Aperitivo" culture as well.....ignore the beer and drink Spritz al Aperol....and get loads of free snacks with it.
If you ride road there are some nice hills not far from Padova or it's a short drive to the dolomites....it really is heaven. Actually, i'm starting to wonder why the fuck i moved to London.
It would be a real bastard to arrange something like this in Italy (and find sponsors) so I reckon this guy must be pretty good at what he does. I hope it goes well.
i used to play beginner sessions with Wicksy in Peckham...
and for what it is worth i couldn't recommend this city strongly enough - it has it all. Fine art. 3 cracking piazza's, another square which is considered Europe's biggest, it's a student town (second oldest Uni in the world) (and just about the only town in North East Italy that hasn't fallen to far right nutters). It's cheap (€4 for the best pizza you've ever had....) and beautiful....and pretty much everyone is stunningly beautiful too.
They have italy's best "Aperitivo" culture as well.....ignore the beer and drink Spritz al Aperol....and get loads of free snacks with it.
If you ride road there are some nice hills not far from Padova or it's a short drive to the dolomites....it really is heaven. Actually, i'm starting to wonder why the fuck i moved to London.
It would be a real bastard to arrange something like this in Italy (and find sponsors) so I reckon this guy must be pretty good at what he does. I hope it goes well.