• Ladies Drinks - 27/04, The Eight Bells, Putney

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. deLights
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
  • Ladies Drinks - 27/04, The Eight Bells, Putney

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. deLights
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
    8. jenny j
  • Ladies Drinks - 27/04, The Eight Bells, Putney

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. deLights
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
    8. jenny j
  • Might be able to make this one actually.......

  • Not sure atm but hope to join you you ladies.

  • I have only just now realized that this is the day of my half work day and I have a dentist appointment at 3:45. I'm either going to get to the Bells at 5 and be really bored or I'm gonna have to find some way to kill a bit of time. When is everyone thinking of getting there?

  • I'm finishing work at 5 and will head straight after.

  • Sweet! I'll be on Foley Street. Maybe I'll bum around and wait for you? Same general area, no?

  • Sounds good!

  • pm me your work addy.

  • .

  • Ladies Drinks - 27/04, The Eight Bells, Putney

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. deLights
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
    8. jenny j
    9. MotherGirl

    Not away anymore. Bit of a boo but will be nice seeing y'all! No idea how the frick I get there from E14 though...

  • Ooh! You found somewhere to live then MG? :)

    I'm not even sure where E14 is but if you can get to Central London, I'm sure there will be a contignent heading out together post work...be aces to see you! Welcome back!

  • I've got a work leaving do on the 27th, but will try to make it to putney.

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo

    4. Sally
    5. Long And Winding
    6. Lolabelle
    7. jenny j
    8. MotherGirl

    out :( triple booked. friend's birthday dinner in soHo and oncall. something's gotta give. wish it was work!!

  • Looking forward to this, as its effectively my birthday drinks I may even actually drink!

  • Fak! I have to come then! OK, I'll be there until about 6:30 but then I have to go to a friend's art show.

  • I'll see you all there.....but I might stop in for a quick 500m sprint at the Levi's Rollapaluza thing first. Anyone want to join me?

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. Kat
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
    8. jenny j
    9. MotherGirl
  • Planning to get there about 5:30 - 5:45 ish, looking forward to it!

  • Out. In Edinburgh!

  • Would love to come but Putney's just at bit far away for me the night before the Big Ride thingamy.

    Sorry to miss your birthday festivities Clefty :(

  • Out. In Edinburgh!

    Nooooooooooo :-(

  • Anyone want to let me tail them on the way? I live right by the North entrance to the Greenwich foot tunnel so can get South very easily...

    1. Poots
    2. Clefty
    3. Jay to the Loo
    4. Kat
    5. Sally
    6. Long And Winding
    7. Lolabelle
    8. jenny j
    9. MotherGirl
    10. Doctor Cake

    In but will be arriving late (likely after 8pm) hope you haven't all left by then!

  • Anyone want to let me tail them on the way? I live right by the North entrance to the Greenwich foot tunnel so can get South very easily...

    Jess I can meet you at Tower Bridge after work and we can ride together if you want? Will be easier to get to if we go down the Embankment I reckon.


Ladies Drinks - Wednesday 28th November, The Pembury E8 1JH

Posted by Avatar for clefty @clefty
