@colnago_costa - Looking for a double, it's a 14 speed and currently on 34/52 but I'm not touring so after 39 upwards for the inner. Open to offers on era. I'm trying to respect the period whilst shaving some weight off it. I've not been to age it so far but I think 70s. This is current incarnation:
@m_f - lower the better but open to offers. I've seen stuff on fleabay around the £30-£50 mark but happy to be educated :)
@colnago_costa - Looking for a double, it's a 14 speed and currently on 34/52 but I'm not touring so after 39 upwards for the inner. Open to offers on era. I'm trying to respect the period whilst shaving some weight off it. I've not been to age it so far but I think 70s. This is current incarnation:
@m_f - lower the better but open to offers. I've seen stuff on fleabay around the £30-£50 mark but happy to be educated :)