• #27
how hard is it to strip the paint of a spok? :)
maxteblack™ it.
• #28
hmm yeah they do, ah well, thanks dude :)
• #29
I'm willing to answer any questions
• #30
apollo blue rear spok would be big pimping on the Fort.
i dont know if the bike would rep the spokk or vice versa
• #31
will take dirty harry brake lever and brake
• #32
Thread updated sorry for any inconveniences there was a few mix up's due to a dippy friend
• #33
what sup with those ano blue risers?
• #34
They are an old pare of Nitto risers that I decided at the last minute I couldn't bare to part with
• #35
- White blb drops (paint on right side scratched) - £10
Could you please confirm clamp size and width? Dibbs if not sold yet and 25.4mm diameter clamp.
- White blb drops (paint on right side scratched) - £10
• #36
what's the steerer length on the bmx forks?
• #37
Which is the 8t bmx wheel on the flickr? (sorry hard to tell)
• #38
BMX fork steerer length is 160mm, the BMX wheel is the small all black one
• #39
potential 2nd dibs on microscooter pending pics
• #40
is the frame 54cm square - what are the measurements for both tubes thanks
• #41
dibs 26.boxrim square wheel.
• #42
Will answer frame size tomorrow when I can measure it, also going to be selling a Peugeot frame tomorrow as well will upload pictures in the early afternoon
• #43
Hilariously, I used to own a baby blue front spok that colour. Seems almost fitting to buy a rear one. But no, it's totally the wrong colour for my hipster sled.
• #44
Whats the BCD on 51 T chain ring?
• #45
expect the front spoke...
• #46
you still got the blb drops ??? very interested
• #47
are the arrospokkkks still available?
• #48
What are the clamp sizes on these?
- Silver Gusset risers - £15
- Matte silver risers - £10
- Silver Gusset risers - £15
• #49
what's the spacing on the rear converted-to-singlespeed wheel please?
• #50
dibs on the rear aerospoke, if its not already taken.
apollo blue rear spok would be big pimping on the Fort.