Was waiting behind a left-indicating lorry which was head of the queue at some lights yesterday while the driver told off two people on Boris bikes who'd stopped by the cab. Not good but they were clearly not used to riding in traffic and at least they learnt from it and the conscientious driver (I hope).
I'd positioned myself so as to block anyone else from going down the side but it seems my self preservation instincts were stronger than my stupid people preservation instincts and I'd not got close enough to stop two guys zooming through the gap - way too close to my front wheel incidentally - and down the side of the lorry, which started to turn just as they did this. The driver saw them and blared his horn and stopped again, I shouted probably unhelpfully "think about what you are doing", but they both ignored these things and continued on, squeezing through the tiny gap between the cab and the kerb. (Boris bikers had got off bikes and onto the pavement if you're wondering). Complete fucking bellends.
The driver was very good though, he didn't try to overtake them on the next road even when there was a lot of space and was obviously aware of me riding behind him and let me past before he started maneuvering to pull in somewhere.
Was waiting behind a left-indicating lorry which was head of the queue at some lights yesterday while the driver told off two people on Boris bikes who'd stopped by the cab. Not good but they were clearly not used to riding in traffic and at least they learnt from it and the conscientious driver (I hope).
I'd positioned myself so as to block anyone else from going down the side but it seems my self preservation instincts were stronger than my stupid people preservation instincts and I'd not got close enough to stop two guys zooming through the gap - way too close to my front wheel incidentally - and down the side of the lorry, which started to turn just as they did this. The driver saw them and blared his horn and stopped again, I shouted probably unhelpfully "think about what you are doing", but they both ignored these things and continued on, squeezing through the tiny gap between the cab and the kerb. (Boris bikers had got off bikes and onto the pavement if you're wondering). Complete fucking bellends.
The driver was very good though, he didn't try to overtake them on the next road even when there was a lot of space and was obviously aware of me riding behind him and let me past before he started maneuvering to pull in somewhere.