• #2
Buy this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251016872268?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 and my tatty Ultegra group set of wheels and stuff and you'll be away.....
• #3
Tenderloin, I have no need of the Concorde, nice though it is, but if you're interested I'm selling my 58 Focus Cayo frameset next week. Will PM you.
• #4
Cheers for that ^
pm replied to.
I have been looking at selling this bike, but I would also be willing to trade for a frame or groupset.
The sale thread is here:
I'm looking to build up a decent quality modern roadbike (Carbon/alloy frame) rival/105/ultegra groupset - 9 or 10 speed.
But I currently have a dirth of less modern road bikes, one of which is the Concorde. So if you have a frame (58/59) or groupset that could suit the come right at me.
If you fancy doing a trade, then get in touch. I would be happy to add cash to something or vice versa.