• #252
Arrrrrgggghhh shitwankbollocks
i like your style.
I'm out too, as they made me race the finals on the mini drome tomorrow. You're all welcome to come down and support, I heard The York Hall in Bethnal Green is so underground, you don't even know.
• #253
I'm out. biology has thrown a slight spanner in the works. have fun y'all, I shall enjoy reading the info sheet...
• #254
I'm in quite a dilemma for biological reasons too. Want to come on the ride and see everyone but for medical reasons I shouldn't do all of it, especially if it's wet. trying to coordinate meeting up mid-ride never works very well though :(
• #255
Out. Have fun peeps.
- KT Bee
- Oat 44
- Harold*
- Cupcakes
- torker
- middleofnowhere
- Danns
- roboto
- Sparky
- dogpants
- ChainBreaker (enjoys hugs and london history as cool as this!)
- skydancer
- StanleyEC
- PP
- cnkr
- BlueQuinn
- Cafewanda
- hms
- Scoot
- Bluefleet
- Tonyme
- ashleyisdabest
- shinkuu kiss
- sansovino
- bothwell
- tomoh
- Zebs
- Samuelson
- pops1207
- zoom
dimi32 - Dr O'pout
- BianchiMasher
- Boggle
- Dom
- daveyheats
- Spyder
- lazysuperhero
- Debbie East
- Hauska
- Bobbycutters
- Bullwinkle
- Inkjektor
- Palu
- Missmouse
- Charlotte83
- Thomasbennett
- Missus OSR (hopefully a maiden voyage on her new Pompino!)
- Pistanator
- dbr
- tessss
- crimsonape
- Sonny
- Hoke (poke)
- lardboy
- Kat
- lyes888
- Doktor P.
- KT Bee
• #256
dimi3, Im going to Mini Velodrome straight from the ride, good luck and what bike are you riding,so I can shout for you......
• #257
Gotta go check out a wedding venue, have fun y'all, weather looks brilliant! Take pics! Real shame not to be riding the new steed on her first forum ride.
• #258
Out. Have fun peeps.
- KT Bee
- Oat 44
- Harold*
- Cupcakes
- torker
- middleofnowhere
- Danns
- roboto
- Sparky
- dogpants
- ChainBreaker (enjoys hugs and london history as cool as this!)
- skydancer
- StanleyEC
- PP
- cnkr
- BlueQuinn
- hms
- Scoot
- Bluefleet
- Tonyme
- ashleyisdabest
- shinkuu kiss
- sansovino
- bothwell
- tomoh
- Zebs
- Samuelson
- pops1207
- zoom
dimi32 - Dr O'pout
- BianchiMasher
- Boggle
- Dom
- daveyheats
- Spyder
- lazysuperhero
- Debbie East
- Hauska
- Bobbycutters
- Bullwinkle
- Inkjektor
- Palu
- Missmouse
- Charlotte83
- Thomasbennett
- Missus OSR (hopefully a maiden voyage on her new Pompino!)
- Pistanator
- dbr
- tessss
- crimsonape
- Sonny
- Hoke (poke)
- lardboy
- Kat
- lyes888
- Doktor P.
- KT Bee
• #259
Adam booo! Long time no see
Ruth - get in! Maybe see you two on the roll up there
• #260
also out- going to ladies track, and maybe minidrome afterwards. have lots of fun y'all, i'll look forward to the photos
oh and don't forget to call your mothers! -
• #261
Another out. Things conspire. Sorry to miss this especially considering all the hard work that's gone into it! Enjoy.
• #262
Crap... I'm still in bed...
• #263
unless ladies track is cancelled in which case I'll try to hook up with you at the blackfriar- 14.00ish?
• #264
Katie-Coo - If you're anywhere near Brixton I'd be up for joining you on the blackfriars meetup.
• #265
Thank you! I'm riding a Brooklyn Gangsta with a black spok. See you there!
dimi3, Im going to Mini Velodrome straight from the ride, good luck and what bike are you riding,so I can shout for you......
• #266
Out, have fun peeps.
• #267
Massive lack of cyclists here at the Black Friar. Can't determine if we're really early or really late. Hmm.
• #268
hugely hungover so couldn't make it. Hope everyone had a really good ride!
• #269
Rather slow and stoppy by nature, but great fun. We need the action shot at the submarine, pronto!
Thanks to all the various mines of information.
• #271
Great ride guys, me and the missus really enjoyed it. Sorry for busting home early, food slump and looked like rain aided our decision.
• #272
cheers all for the fun facts and frolicks. fotos forthcoming soon including the action at the sub, the subterranean homesick boozer and evidence that we rode bikes underground
• #273
and lots of drains. duct tours rules
• #274
^ Highlight for me was you buggering off down that drain, made me lol!
• #275
Good ride!
Arrrrrgggghhh shitwankbollocks I thought this was a night-time ride! I'm working 1.30-5.30!
Way too late for me to try and swap now...I was so proud of having partly inspired this ride too, was really looking forwards to it. Sorry everyone :(