Massive indeed, and slightly daunting. I've been working on the history crib sheets over the last few days, I think I'll disseminate key information beforehand as there's no way you'll all hear one person. Spoke cards are done - I have 32 printed and laminated so far - this has taken ages! Roboto's done a superlative job on the design by the way. I've got another 20 'first batch' cards in reserve if we need more on the day.
Massive indeed, and slightly daunting. I've been working on the history crib sheets over the last few days, I think I'll disseminate key information beforehand as there's no way you'll all hear one person. Spoke cards are done - I have 32 printed and laminated so far - this has taken ages! Roboto's done a superlative job on the design by the way. I've got another 20 'first batch' cards in reserve if we need more on the day.